Wed. Dec. 10 1997 11:50 PM cloudy 45 degrees, snow expected
[photo: Boston skyline fr. the Longfellow bridge]
Dear Mom,
It's hard to believe that this is really our farewell to Boston. It seems like just another stop on our world tour. We leave tomorrow morning for New Jersey and points south and west. Hopefully, we'll see [my siblings] Joan, and maybe Tim too. Our goodbyes were said in July and August; this visit seems an inconvenience to some: "We already said goodbye." But this departure seems sadder than the last, as what's on the other end for us is both more profound a change, and a more mundane move to a similar life.
Love, Tom & Carol
12/19/97 7:30 AM Lawton, OK 40 degrees clear
[photo: Museum of the Great Plains]
Dear Mom,
Greetings from the old stomping grounds [where we lived, 1964-67 and 1968-73]. Yesterday was 70 degrees and beautiful. The old houses & schools are still here - w/ more strip malls, ATMs, & a cybercafe. Go figure.
Love, Tom & Carol